Know the Rules

The REAL Voice of Flagler County

Know the Rules

The point of this page is to get information out, above and beyond Facebook.  You are here-by welcome to join and share.  You have things to say and here’s the platform to say them so that others hear.

The rules of this page is that you can post pretty much what you’d like, with some exceptions below.  Like anything else, the rules are subject to change without notice.

Please do not:

1.)  Swear – we can make our points known without swearing.

2.)  Insult another poster – we, as a society need to learn to get along whether we agree or disagree.  Maybe we can learn from one another!

3.)  Do not use these posts to shame/slam someone else.  You are welcome to post opinions, but that’s where it has to end.

4.)  Do NOT use these pages/posts to interfere with an election.  If an opinion, that’s fine, but it must be within the practices of truth and be backed up with fact. Anything that appears to deviate from these practices will be removed. Discussion for the purposes of gossip to interfere with an election won’t be tolerated except within the Forums.  There are other blogs that can and will help this be accomplished.


Please DO:

1.) When in a discussion, please use resources to back your facts.

2.)  Sharing with others is great.  It’s great to learn from each other.

Know that:

1.)  If you share here, you can be anonymous if you wish to be; your name, email and all other information is confidential and shared with NO ONE for any reason.

2.)  These posts are a mix of fact and opinion. It’s always wise to back yourself up when presenting a fact or opinion.  Flagler Voice, its associates, volunteers and staff are not responsible for opinion or facts disguised as opinion.

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